Even the topic is boring, right? When the two words “Job” and “Search” spring to mind, it’s enough to make even the pros among us exhale loudly with despondence. At Emocto, we know this and we’re changing things. Let’s take a look at what we’re supposed to do regarding applications, what the reality is and how we can remedy that for you. Sit back, relax and enjoy the process. We work so that you don’t have to because we know you have Skills To Pay The Bills.
What you’re asked for when looking for a job:
- Employment history.
- Experience.
- Skills.
- Educational Background.
- Professionalism.
- Dedication and commitment.
…All compiled in a great CV.
Then you must:
- Search for a job online.
- Find suitable roles.
- Apply for suitable roles.
- Net an interview.
- Go to interview.
- Get the job.
The reality of looking for a job:
The reality is much less like the above because we don’t live in a clinic and we’re not robots. We’re people and we want to be entertained, we want the process to be easy and not mind-numbingly boring. What we want is a job.
Let’s be honest, if the following sounds more like you, then you’re in the right place.
- Spend hours pouring over your CV trying to remember everything you’ve done.
- Become bored and take a break.
- Return to writing the latest CV version without knowing whether it’s actually even any good (Is this what recruiters are looking for?)
- Doubting whether the roles you’re applying for are even the roles you want to apply for at all.
- Cover letter or no cover letter?
- Trawling through boring job websites that are unintuitive and uninspiring.
- Rejection – the big one.
- Not hearing back at all. All doors are closed and locked with you on the wrong side of the door.
- Unmotivated and losing momentum.
- Keep going.
- Finally, bag an interview.
- Receive a job offer.
Read on to remedy the rigmarole…
What it should be like looking for a job:
The CV is a formality but recruiters need to know about you. Feel good – let us do the work for you…
- Feel great about yourself by listing all of your achievements.
- Send them to CV Clinic.
- Have someone else write your CV for you at CV Clinic, HR professionals at Emocto who know what recruiters are really looking for. This is quick, exact and saves you the stress so you can crush the goal of finding a job and get back to your life.
- Once you have your supreme CV, apply for jobs faster and save time via Emocto. How? -Search with ease; we’re an intuitive helpful website. Emocto makes the process seamless; you can clearly identify jobs with images and company logos. The website is super fast by industry standard and built with the user in mind. That’s you.
- Interviewing: No worries. If you need further assistance with interviewing or how to dress, the Gold option on the CV Clinic will cover all.
- You’re hired! Success. Bag a great job-saving stress and time.