Whichever way you get to work, be it by public transport, bike, on foot or car it’s likely crossed your mind that this time spent is unintuitive. So let’s make it more interesting, nay! -more productive. For the drivers among us, this may seem unachievable for obvious reason but here, Emocto brings you ideas to make your drive to work more alluring and assist you with being more productive.
Avoid the Rush
Where possible we recommend avoiding the rush. This is a safety tip for all of us but it’s also a de-stress technique. If you can leave earlier or later or even try a new route with the help of the GPS then this will mean you arrive at your destination feeling much better than you would if you’d batted through traffic.
Be Environmentally Friendly
If you do drive and you don’t have an electric car, you might be concerned about emissions and the environment. Why not offer to fill the car and take friends, colleagues or family members some or part of the way to where you’re going. This could work to your advantage cost wise too. If you’re taking colleagues, chances are they’ll be happy to chip in for fuel.
Get Some Work Done
This may seem stupid. It’s not. As they say in the British Army: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Pi** Poor Performance. As Des (designated driver) you won’t be getting your laptop or phone out to work but you can plan ahead which will only make working hours all the more productive. Which leads us on to the next point…
Workshop Anything
Using drive time as thinking time works really well. There are no outside disturbances and if you’re driving alone you can mull over any thoughts and find solutions to problems. This time can be used to organise your thoughts.
Make Calls
If you have voice activated calling then this is a great idea. If you don’t: Do not use your handset while driving.
If you can phone hands-free in your vehicle then this is a great time to catch up on work calls, calls to errands that you may have and calls to friends and family.
Have Me Time
For those of us who love to drive part of this experience is me-time. Switching off to other worries and relaxing into a comfy seat with yourself, your motorcar and your thoughts. Listen to some music, catch up on news on the radio, you deserve it.
Listen to a Podcast
Drive-time is a great opportunity to listen to a podcast, like radio, this audio means you’re hands-free. Many podcasts last for hours and you can find them on almost any topic imaginable.
Learn a New Skill
How about picking up a foreign language? Or brushing up on knowledge for that evening class? Audio-learn books are readily available and are some of the best ways to hone a new skill.
Get Lost in a Good Book
Hands-free of course. Audiobooks are a great (easy) way to read (listen) as you drive. Listening to a story for an hour could be as soothing as being read to as a child. Now that sounds relaxing.
Whatever you do while you drive, we wish you a safe journey and remind all readers to adhere to the driving laws or check before setting off to ensure your safety at all times.