It’s alright for some. If you are in the very pleasant situation where more than one company is courting you for your services you have lucked out. Either lucked out, or, more likely, you prepped, preened and pitched to perfection and so ended up with jobs in the bag at multiple firms and now it’s up to you to make your choice. If only you could cherry-pick the benefits from each role and create a beautiful Frankenstein’s Monster Job. Well, that might be an impossibility but you can squeeze your suitors suitably and create something akin to your ideal scenario.
Be Transparent
Honesty is the best policy in most scenarios and this one is no different. If everyone knows the score then they can make the best offers possible and it gives them a good idea of what the competition is offering. It gives everyone a chance to put their best foot forward. At the end of it all, no one is going to offer something they’d feel uncomfortable with and if they feel they are going to be outbid as it were by some of the competition they can concede earlier on. Being transparent will make the process of finding your next destination relatively quick and painless.
Be Thankful
It’s easy in positions of power to let that power go to your head. Remaining relatively grateful and contrite is still the best policy even if you think you hold all the cards. You can still walk away with nothing if you handle this without tact. You are a wanted man/woman but that doesn’t mean anything is set in stone. Acting like you are in charge will soon reduce their reputation in their eyes. Being overly dogmatic or demanding can make it seem like the version of yourself you presented in the interview stage was an act. Not ideal.
Be Realistic
To reiterate there is no scenario better than this when applying for jobs but this does not mean that you are going to get everything you want. The whole reason you are weighing up your options is because the choice is not an easy one. There are benefits to each role and as I stated in the introduction there is no way to cherry-pick the benefits of each and create a perfect compound job. This isn’t to say, however, that you can’t be a little cheeky probing for perks, just don’t be overly demanding and be aware of your worth. If you know what you should be getting for your pay grade you know what you’ll likely end up with.
Be Firm
The best way to get what you want is to actually know what you want in the first place. A good practice to get into is making a list of demands. In all seriousness, you are in a better situation now than you could ever be in so its all about asking. If you don’t ask you don’t get.