Emocto is a jobs board with a USP. You’ll find regular part-time & full-time roles listed with us but we also offer something unique. What’s the USP? -Auctions! >With us you get to bid for and auction off tasks or work. You can also advertise your skills on there and create a public profile to showcase these. We work tirelessly to marry clients to one another professionally by putting the power in the hands of the users. You set the price of the work and it can only go as low or as high as you and the potential employee agree.
Why not market your business? If you are a freelancer or sole trader or even a company, you can create a public profile (instead of private) and get noticed by prospective clients or employees visiting the site. The in-built messaging system is very easy to use. o you can interact with ease.
We’re always adding features to the website. As well as auctions, you can also advertise a one-off-task. Say you’re moving house and want assistance. Tasks don’t have to be on-off, they can be recurring.
Built-in Technology
Unlike some task job sites, where communication is required via constant messaging to determine who will carry out the job for the best rate, Emocto has built in technology which lists bids in a simple fashion and keeps track of them for you.
Artificial Intelligence
We’ve implemented AI on the webiste in partnership with IBM to better match the right candidate to the right role.
Emocto Blog
If you’re reading this, you’re on the blog right now. The blog can be used in tandem with the site itself if you are looking to brush up on your business acumen as there are plenty of tips and tricks that can help you in interview situations a well as when trying to network with clients.
It’s a collection of articles that endeavor to take a fresh take on current issues. There are news features; Brexit, for example; following the lurching twists and back peddles of an ever-more complicated exit process. Politically speaking we do not take sides but aim to provide and informed and impartial commentary on the events off the day.
There are other weekly columns related to issues that plague the modern workplace. For example a weekly stress buster article which aims to promote practical advice on how to be mindful of one’s mental health and the mental health of others.
The interview section is designed to give readers an insight into the lives of real professionals and put faces to the words. This realistic approach utilised questions that are crafted in order to glean expert advice into specific industries as well as motivational and relatable content to entertain and inform our readership.
CV Clinic
The CV Clinic on the site itself is designed to couple up with the advice to give your resume and applications a deep sense of professionalism. If you feel your CV needs work, Emocto can fix it for you. Packages range from advice alone to the full works, of us re-writing it for you, or if you wish, undertaking a faux interview process to brush up on face-to-face meetings. Our HR experts have got it covered.
The Brand
The brand message has always been positivity and even in potentially pessimistic new stories The JA aim to find a silver lining in every piece of information to motivate those searching for advice and a route to success. Built on the premise of the American Dream, Emocto’s blog will remain astutely determined to deliver on the dreams of anyone who consults it and uses the main site itself. After all: we all have Skills To Pay The Bills.