It would be unfair to say that everyone who is unemployed is unambitious, there are unfortunate circumstances that befall everyone. No one can attest to anyone else’s situation and their narrative is there own. Except that is exactly it, everyone’s narrative is their own. Meaning you are responsible for your own happiness and often ambition provides the structure and drive to satisfy you in life. So how can one improve on their levels of ambition? Let’s take a look…
Use your Imagination
Ambitious people do not fit a particular mold other than that one defining trait. There’s nothing you can’t apply ambition to. It can mean anything by pursuing anything you love. If you are honestly passionate about something then make that your focus. Don’t be afraid to focus on what you want. If you are honest with yourself and have no shame when it comes to what you want to achieve, well, that’s the first step to getting there. No matter what you love, pursue it.
Don’t Wait
There is no such thing as the ‘perfect moment’. These moments do not exist organically; they are made by those who know how to make them. In the right hands, any moment can be made into a perfect moment. Striking while the iron is hot is the best tactic if you want to achieve something. Get on the front foot and move things in the right direction.
Focus on Yourself
Looking about and comparing yourself to everyone else is pointless. You are all on different paths. The one person you should be seeking to compete with is yourself. You can be your biggest rival and your biggest supporter all rolled into one. Making sure you analyse you’re behaviour and make positive choices to ensure your own progression can be made easier by narrowing your focus.
Put in the Hours
Often you’ll hear the famous; be it, actors, musicians or other celebrities say something along the lines of ‘it took me 20 years to be an overnight success’. And that’s exactly right. All those people who just ‘burst onto the scene’ have been hard at work for years prior to such. The idea of someone being new and ’emerging’ is a silly one to buy into as the hours it takes for someone of influence to take notice of you would cripple most, and it does. To be more ambitious you have to give it time. Try and try again. It is often not the most talented among us who ‘make it’ but those with the persistence to break through.
Set Small Goals
BE ambitious by structuring your goals. Thinking of the final outcome and only that can make it seem like there is nothing between you and it but a colossal chasm. Better than longing is building a plan with smaller goals so that it will feel good when you meet them and you will appreciate the value of hard work, leading you to be even more motivated to achieve the larger goals later. However big or small the success, bite-size pieces add up to larger victories. Let us help you with your dream, advertise for free today on Emocto by creating a public profile. Whether you’re an individual looking for work, a freelancer with a skill or own your own business. You’re one click away…