Often jobs boards come with options to localise your job options. You can pick a specific place in a specific country and then you had a little radius that you can either shrink to ‘exact location only’ or expand to ‘fifty miles away’. Every job has somewhere it needs to be performed and looking at the same place will only have the same results, especially if you’re looking for jobs every single day.
London, for example, is not the entire world and while it might not be an ideal situation, looking for jobs outside the 6 major zones, opens up a whole new world, one where the competition for spaces is much less fierce. This does not necessarily mean moving out of the city itself, although if you have the means and the motive to do so, there is nothing that says you can’t move away.
Moving doesn’t necessarily mean swapping your flat for a semi-detached in the Home Counties. It can mean something a lot more drastic. A lot of what hinders people in finding the job they want is the fact that what they want is often a better jobs market elsewhere.
Emocto, being live in 35 countries knows full well that the needs of different countries, different sectors and different individuals are all unlikely to be equal to one another all over the world. For example, in Greece there are rising jobs in the fashion industry since Athens youth decided to hone their craft after the financial crash.
It’s always a good idea to look at economic trends and within your home nation and if there is a specific field you want to go into, make sure that you are correctly placed so that if a job does end up coming up then you can snap it up.
Are there any jobs that you can be doing from home? This is a question you should ask yourself as working in the 21st century has seen what some would call the death of the office. As long as you have access to a laptop and an internet connection many jobs can be done from a cafe, a library or your bedroom.
A good example of this would be if you were employed writing content or copy or something to that effect and you were made redundant, freelance work is accessible to you just as internal roles are.
[…] object that seems impossible to break down. ‘Seems’ being the operative word, in this series, we will give you some tips on how to never give […]