Paragon UK is just one national branch of a parent company that has invested in another 11. For the uninitiated, Paragon is a digital printing firm that can print mostly anything the client needs. They try to get under the skin of your business and this starts at the inception of your needs as the service includes consultation and auditing with a continued focus on brand management.
We thought it might be worth finding out if a couple of Paragon’s London representatives had any tips on how to hoist yourself out of unemployment, in keeping with Emocto’s series on #BoycottUnemployment, first up business development manager Luke.
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TJA: So Luke have you ever experienced a period of unemployment in your life?
Luke: Never
TJA: So that rules you out for the next question on how that period ended.
Luke: Wish I could help
TJA: Maybe you could let us know what the secret is; to non-stop employment that is?
Luke: Do anything. Honestly, you have to do anything if you want to work. It’s pretty simple; some people don’t want to work. I used to work at McDonalds for £5 an hour and I’m proud of that. Work is work.
(At this point, we wondered if associate Phil had similar ideas and so asked gave him the same quick-fire questions.)
TJA: What about you Phil, any phases of life where you’ve been unemployed?
Phil: A few, they only ever lasted a few weeks or a month or two though. Everything resolved itself in the end.
TJA: So they just resolved themselves, just like that?
Phil: Well no honestly, I resolved them. As for tips on how to stop being unemployed, Luke’s said it all. You have to be willing to do anything. Pride won’t get you anywhere and there are jobs out there you just have to be willing to do them.
TJA: You think it’s all just down to a lack of trying then?
Phil: Definitely. Listen, I got my first job when I was about 6 years old packing newspapers together.
TJA: 6 years old!? Do 6 year olds earn a decent wage?
Phil: Well I got some pocket money, enough to keep me in sweets and that. The point I’m making is: always work hard.
. . .
Astounding stuff, really. These two know exactly what they think and the willingness to do any work that’s necessary is an impressive mindset that I think we can all learn a lot from.
No one is telling you to send your infants out packing newspapers, however, hard work is important and we think the main thrust of what was said here is that employment is a road you need to be before you can afford to be picky. Let’s not run before we can walk. However, once you’re walking there’s nothing to stop you getting a sprint on.