At Emocto, we’re used to undertaking responses to our clients. If you’ve got questions about us, you’ll likely find them here, along with the answer.
Company overview
Emocto is a job board in the recruitment/tech sector.
Currently, live in 68 countries.
HQ: Canary Wharf, Bank Street, London.
Emocto is the world’s fastest growing job board. A job platform with a USP: Emocto is a regular job board and also an “Ebay for jobs” site. Emocto currently lists over 300,000 jobs to date. You can post a regular job, an ongoing or one-off task and set that as an auction, minimum bid or fixed price. We also host instajobs, which is a fast track way to post a job listing. Using Emocto you can also list or auction a skill. If you’re a freelancer or small business or even an independent worker looking to earn extra cash, you can list your skill on the site and have people find you.
What is the background?
The background to the initiative was the idea of being able to earn extra money by listing skills without having to go through the laborious task of lengthy job applications for full-time roles. Not everyone is looking for full-time work and not everyone wants to have a price set for the work by another. Emocto fosters freedom and flexibility to working, allowing you to work on Your terms, we all have skills, why not list and auction those skills and earn extra cash for it.
How are you meeting strategic needs in the industry?
We believe this concept meets the strategic needs of a job board (Emocto) in that, in 2019, flexibility both in the workplace and as an approach to working is becoming more commonplace. Fostering flexi-hours for those with families or other commitments, allowing workers freedom of when to work, as is the case at large leaders in the industry such as Google; is clearly the way forward. And in addition, helping people get into work and out of unemployment, Emocto offers a stepping stone between earning smaller portions for one off pieces of work all the way through to getting into full-time employment. With the government encouraging more of us to start our own businesses in the UK, Emocto also offers the opportunity for those who are freelance or sole traders to market their business on the site. The Auction element adds a twist to the norm, an “Ebay for Jobs” as it were. Our strategy is simple: If you want to work, you can, we All posses qualities that are marketable. That’s why our motto is: Skills To Pay The Bills.
What are your goals?
The specific goals and objectives of Emocto are to take anyone around the world out of unemployment or poverty and offer a sustainable way of working, on their terms. We also offer the site completely free to charities, since we don’t believe in making a profit from a non-profit.
How do you uphold ethics?
Where auctions are concerned, we maintain fairness to all by being ethically minded. Regardless of the type of listing, you cannot list for below minimum wage. This is country applicable and therefore depends on the laws set in the country of which the roles are listed.
What are the benefits of Emocto?
The business benefits of Emocto are to create a multi-service platform for anyone in any capacity concerning employment. We feel we have covered this by offering a multilayered approach to working.
Who do you work with?
We are a member of the REC the professional body for the UK recruitment industry.
Emocto has partners ranging from CV Library, Adzuna, Zip Recruiter and many more. You can see all of our partner sites here.
We have artificial intelligence in partnership with IBM which you can read more about here.
Our payment provider is Barclays, making the site secure and efficient.
How has planning and preparation played a part in a new business such as Emocto?
Planning and preparation has played a huge part in executing the website as the multi-service platform you see today.
We originally planned to offer a regular job board with an auction element. We achieved this and after the fact came the idea of not only auctions but tasks as well. In addition, not only offering regular jobs to be listed but also creating the feature of instajobs, allowing users a smoother experience by posting jobs faster and in a more succinct fashion. We always knew that we would offer the job board to charitable organisations for free. We later added CV Clinic, helping those changing sector, getting into employment for the first time or returning to work to hone vital points on a CV and stand out to the employer. This is a tailored service to really sharpen up your CV and bag the job you’re searching for.
How was the initiative first implemented?
The initiative was implemented in the first instance by designing and building the website. Communications were made easy between the pair of directors since they both have a close working relationship and the same core beliefs. Later, measures taken were to add to the team those with skill-sets that complimented the existing capabilities of the founders and introduce new skill-sets to enrich and enhance the business. Once the product was live, we partnered with leading industry experts and work closely with a range of partners and clients to widen our offering, making it accessible to as many people around the world as we can.
What has the resulting impact been?
The resulting impact on the business has been that we have been able to grow in the first year at a growth rate which exceed that of Pinterest. The site is evolving and being updated all the time to enhance our user experience.
Tell us about the benefits
Other benefits have been global corporate companies and fortune 500 companies using the site, reaching and growing exponentially in countries that we hadn’t anticipated and having to make the site available in those countries.
What are the unforeseen benefits?
Unforeseen benefits have been the sheer growth of the platform and industry leaders in our sector approaching us, which was both humbling and inspiring.
How important is creativity to Emocto?
Creativity and innovation has been the very start point of Emocto. Born from an idea one of the founders had while studying at Central Saint Martins, arguably The birthplace of creatives the world over; Emocto never set out to be small. Building the site from scratch and maintaining brand identity was all important. The page itself is not displayed as a regular job board. We wanted to make the user experience fun and captivating. Emocto has an Instagram style layout with images and logos making it eye-catching and interesting to search for jobs. This also enables those listing, to feature their logo or work, encouraging independence and creativity in the listings themselves.
What makes you unique?
The ‘unique’ in Emocto is found in the brand identity. The identity is strong, instantly identifiable. The speed of the site, the USP, a fresh approach to a job board aesthetic, the marketing. We’ve been able to maintain this integrity by keeping everything in-house.
The contribution to the success of Emocto is all down to the team. The founders have encouraged everyone who works with the business to be as creative they’d like. There is no ‘wrong idea’ at Emocto. Every idea has value. Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say!
How do you feel your first year in business went?
We feel that our production and first year of the business went extremely well. Our growth has far overtaken what we’d anticipated. People seem to like Emocto which is reassurance that we’ve done our job. The founders are firm believers that if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well and the site offers that continuity to put your best foot forward, in whatever sector you’re in from a freelance window cleaner to an employee in finance.
What’s next for Emocto?
Emocto is widely used as a regular job board, which is great in itself.
While Auctions are still catching on in some countries and lesser understood in terms of a job market in others, our goal is to reach those with a will to working independently. Reach, being everything, we feel that as the concept is grasped, the auction side of the site will develop further.
We think the lesson learned would be understanding that it’s not just a case of “build it and they will come” in a digital age where the marketing bar is set incredibly high, you really have to hustle to be heard and we continue to spread the word that the site is for everyone, it’s not just a one trick pony.
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